Thursday, August 13, 2009

New to This...


Well I have been getting completely stressed out but this one blogging site and ugh what the hell?!? I've never seen/read so manny freaking caddy women before. Holy crap! All they seem to care about is sitting at home and talking shit about HARD working nannies...

I think it may be because they cant afford one themselves or their jealous that we {nannies} get to go home away from their children at night?? AHH ok I'm sorry I dont mean to be mean because then i'm just lowering my standards to their level and im better than that...

Phew..... Now that thats out of the way!! This is my first real blog, I actually feel a little better releasing some stress people have told me that this is a good way to relax, I've always ignored them and rolled my eyes but man I really feel better!! Whooooo Thanks :}

Ok well I think thats it HOPFULLY i'll come back and blog more!